Todays Pokémon Presentation not only saw New Terastal Pokémon Revealed for Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet, but also the first regional variant.
Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet is expected to introduce several regional forms of Pokémon, with the first revealed earlier today.
Wooper, a Generation 2 Water-type Pokémon is the first to see a Paldea-form. The Paldea Wooper is powerful Poison and Ground-type Pokémon.
This is Paldea Wooper’s official description:
In ancient times, Wooper lived underwater in the Paldea region. But it seems after losing in a struggle for territory, they began living in bogs on land. To keep from drying out while living on land, they began to cover their bodies with a poisonous film.
These Wooper’s gills have hardened thanks to living on land for so long. Their bodies are heavy and they move slowly, but they can protect themselves by shooting powerful poisonous liquid from their gills. You may see poisoned Pokémon in areas where these Wooper live.
Pokemon Company
The Paldea Wooper lives on land and covers themselves in a poisonous film and emits poison from their gills. It’s the first Paldea regional form revealed for Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet. Many more Paldea forms are expected to be announced before the release in November.
Do you like the appearance of Paldea Wooper for Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet? Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments below.
Incase you missed it, a New Pokemon Trailer Revealed New Pokemon, Professors and Legendary Pokemon earlier this year.